Mercatus Website

Website & Digital

A Cool Website for a Commercial Refrigeration Business

Following the creation of the concept and identity for Mercatus' Sense & Teknae, its 2 newest product lines, we re~designed their website to match its ambitious growth plans.

Given its premium positioning, we wanted to ensure that the design followed a minimalist approach so that the focus was on the products, technology and product photography. We were tasked to focus particularly in the home and product pages, as those would be most important to tell the story of this new chapter.

For an intuitive navigation, we created a key visual for each of the new product lines and applied it consistently throughout the online experience. We also worked on the copy of the website, ensuring all content exuded the sophistication of that of the product lines.




UXUI Design



Mercatus Branding Sense Teknae Website Design by Strawberry Brand Studio
Mercatus Branding Sense Teknae Website Design by Strawberry Brand Studio
Mercatus Branding Sense Teknae Website Design by Strawberry Brand Studio
Mercatus Branding Sense Teknae Website Design by Strawberry Brand Studio
Mercatus Branding Sense Teknae Website Design by Strawberry Brand Studio
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